Poznaj nasz zespół

PI of MyGardenOfTrees and leader of the Evolutionary Genetics Group

Biodiversity and Conservation Biology Research Unit

Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL

Email: katalin[dot]csillery[at]wsl[dot]ch

Project coordinator of MyGardenOfTrees

Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL

Email: nicole[dot]ponta[at]wsl[dot]ch

Azzurra Pistone

Local coordinator for Italy and the Italian speaking regions of Switzerland

Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL

Email: azzurra[dot]pistone[at]wsl[dot]ch

Marjorie Bison

Local coordinator for France and the French speaking regions of Switzerland

Email: mbison[dot]mygardenoftrees[at]gmail[dot]com

Bernadett Virókné Fodor

Local coordinator for Hungary and neighbouring regions

Email: fodordetti[at]gmail[dot]com

Nancy Koller

Local coordinator for Germany, Austria and German speaking regions of Switzerland

Email: info[at]nancy-koller[dot]de

Marta Curman

Local coordinator for Croatia and neighbouring regions

Email: martcurman[at]gmail[dot]com

Karol Tomczak

Local coordinator for Poland

Email: karool[dot]tomczak[at]gmail[dot]com

María Viota

Local coordinator for Spain

Email: viota[dot]maria[at]gmail[dot]com 

Violeta Kotova

Local coordinator for Bulgaria 

Email: kotova[dot]leta[at]gmail[dot]com 

Sevil Coşgun

Local coordinator for Turkey

Email: sevil[dot]cosgun[at]ips[dot]unibe[dot]ch 

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